The After Work Routine…
is often overlooked. Most people when wrapping up their work day are simply thinking about….being finished with work!
They’re ready to get home, kick up their feet and relax a bit (which is totally cool).
But planning specifically when you’ll spend time to relax is the strategy because otherwise we’ll be left the outside influences. That never works. If you’ve ever told yourself “ehhh just one episode” and 2 and a half hours later you get off the couch asking yourself what the hell happened then you know what I’m talking about.
Or maybe you find yourself bringing home the problems you have at work and unloading them on your family.
Today we’re going to unpack the After Work routine and why it’s another crucial part of Ritual Design.
First let’s talk about some of the benefits an After Work routine can have for you and your personal growth.
#1. It acts as a methodical transition from your work world to your home life.
If you ever find yourself bringing home baggage and drama from your work day, this is definitely a sign you need an After Work routine! You family has their own professional baggage to deal with. Leave work at work.
Whether you choose to do a short breathing exercise or mantra in the car, or some type of ritual when you walk in the door this may be something that can help point your evening a positive light.
#2. It can help you avoid the trap.
The couch is calling out telling you to grab a glass of wine and trying to persuade you that you’ve “earned” just one episode. We know better but unfortunately the physical state we’re in maybe harder to battle without a strong routine.
#3. It can help you get ahead on your goals.
If you DO find yourself falling into the trap, that means you actually have some dead time in your schedule. Imagine consistently spending the hour and a half you waste watching T.V. working on something constructive that moves you closer to what you want to achieve? That’s seven and a half hours a week that you got back!
Take a listen to todays episode to hear how I leverage the After Work routine and how it’s changed over time.
Thanks for checking out the third episode in the fundamental four video series. If you haven’t watched the first two, you can find them here.
If you need something to track your AM routine, take a look at the Ritual Design Planner.
If you’re interested in diving deeper, sign up for the next Ritual Design Workshop!