The Before Work Routine…
is one of the more difficult routines to implement. That is if we make it really challenging.
Welcome back to the second episode in a four part series where we discuss the fundamental four of Ritual Design. The fundamental four are the four primary routines throughout the day. When we first wake up, before work, after work and before we go to bed.
Today we’re going to dive into the Before Work Routine.
Why even have a before work routine?
#1 There are four major inflection points that make or break someones day (the fundamental four) and transitioning from home to work is definitely one of them.
#2 Without a before work routine, the average person may do something like this. Leave late, get stuck in traffic, emotionally beat yourself up while you’r sitting in said traffic and finally get to work only to immediately have people demanding your attention before you even turn on your computer!
Not a clear and calm way to start the day!
So in order to implement the BW routine, you have to decide whether it will be…
- At home before you leave
- At work as soon as you step in the office
- Or a combination of both
Next is the question of what you want to accomplish?
- Do you want to ease up on your road rage?
- Do you want to have a better mindset walking into the office
- Do you need a calmer, less responsive way to actually begin your tasks for your job?
The beautiful thing about the BW routine is that it can be applied to any type of job or career. Whether you’re a high powered attorney or a server at Applebees, you can implement a routine that sets you up for a successful day at work.
If you haven’t listened to the first in this series, check out the AM routine first.
If you need something to track your AM routine, take a look at the Ritual Design Planner.
If you’re interested in diving deeper, sign up for the next Ritual Design Workshop!