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Learning How To Hit The Reset Button

is different to many people. Sometimes it’s a simple walk around the block and other times it’s a week long retreat!

We get to a point where we’re trying to make progress and we’re trying to instill healthy routines in our lives and just can’t seem to get ahead. There’s always something that is interrupting us or stealing our attention. There’s always something that is a mess and causing stress and it all feels too much (especially with the ambitions we have)!

Today I teach 5 ways that I know how to hit the reset button of life and start fresh.

Your Mind – Whether it be meditation, mantras or clearing your capture bin, having a clear mental state is number one.

Your Schedule – This is one of the easiest and hardest things to do in order to hit the reset button but all you have to do is clear it! Whether it be a weekend getaway or in my example a day on the slopes snowboarding, clear your schedule and give yourself the gift of time!

Your Digital Life – If you’ve ever seen someones desktop on their computer covered by a sea of apps and folders, then it’s time to organize your digital life! This includes clearing your desktop but also organizing what calendar and task software you use. Lastly you’ll want to clear (or implement if you don’t already have) a digital capture system. So whenever you have an idea and you don’t have a planner or a notebook, you can capture the idea or task in your phone!

Your Environment – If you’re looking around now and see a complete mess then I can guarantee that this physical chaos is creating mental chaos. What’s need is an allotment of time. You have to schedule a few hours (or however long it will take) and find a home for everything. While you’re tidying up, you need to eliminate what you don’t truly need. There’s only so much room in that miscellaneous drawer!

Your Relationships – Also a tricky one considering you’re not the only one that needs to figure out how to hit the reset button! If you’re having an argument with a family member or your significant other, simply decide to let go. However you felt originally you can decide to no longer let it effect you and you can move on (easier said then done).

So there you have it.

5 ways how to hit the reset button of your life and have some solid footing to make progress on.

Thanks for listening. I would love to hear which one you’ll be implementing. Head over to Youtube and leave a comment to let me know!

If you’re ready to take your productivity, take a look at my program Day By Design and learn to design your ideal day!