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When going through a grieving process…

is there anything place for routines?

Can they help? Can they hurt? Well that depends


Just over 2 years ago, I lost my mom to Covid.


While it feels like just yesterday, there has been, and still is, a long grieving process.

Today I’d like to share with you how routines have played a role in this entire process. From the complete crumble of my life, to waking up each and everyday, I’ve realized that there was only one question that was constant… “How am I going to live this day”? In the beginning I never even bothered trying to look for an answer. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.  But as time went on routines had a role in bringing back some sort of certainty because there wasn’t much of that elsewhere in my life.

Take a listen today to see if building routines can possibly help you through your loss

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