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Creating a consistent morning ritual

can be tricky.

But it’s worth it.

Welcome to the first in a four part series where we discuss the fundamental four of Ritual Design. The fundamental four are the four primary routines throughout the day. When we first wake up, before work, after work and before we go to bed. What better place to start than your AM Routine!

You’ve probably heard many people tout the “millionaire morning” or the “CEO morning routine”. I believe this has gotten so much traction is because it truly is one of the most powerful routines you can implement.

So today I’m going to dispel the three most powerful benefits of the AM routine and a few strategy ideas in order to actually create a consistent morning ritual.

3 powerful benefits of the AM routine

  1. The AM routine is one of the best times to program your subconscious mind.
  2. If you win the battle of the bed and start investing in yourself before half the world is awake, you’ve gained a huge psychological win.
  3. Waking up early is strategic because you can get the things done you want to with no other distractions.


In order to actually build a consistent morning ritual, there are a few things to look out for and be aware of…

  • Use an alarm separate from your phone so you’re not tempted to check it (a huge am routine killer)
  • Retire the phone either in a drawer or on a dresser across the room the night before
  • Try to limit decision making. Reserve your brain power for positive thinking, visioning or meditation
  • Try to do the hardest thing first. Either put something that is difficult in your routine or start with the hardest part of your routine first
  • Think about either working out in the morning or at least moving your body in order to release endorphins and feel great to start the day!

Thanks for checking out this first episode in the fundamental four video series.

If you need something to track your AM routine, take a look at the Ritual Design Planner.

If you’re interested in diving deeper, sign up for the next Ritual Design Workshop!