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Getting out of a rut…

can be tough. Sometimes we’re not even sure exactly why we’re feeling the way we do but we know something has to change. And further more, the process of actually getting out of a rut is very difficult.

For me I’ve had numerous times in my life where I felt a little stuck but there was one pivotal point where it was a hardcore rut that lasted about 18 months.

This included an identity crises, career shift and financial strain! To the point where I maxed out every single credit card, had no money in my savings, and didn’t have $17 to go pick up pizza.

So I definitely don’t want to see anyone have to go through what I went through. If you do end up finding yourself trying to climb your way out of a rut, I’ll walk you through the three steps that I took that got me out.

Granted these are steps that worked for me and these were not steps that were manufactured but that happened to me (which I’m so grateful they did). All I did was dissect them and make them easier to replicate.

What’s really cool was that on the other side, I was better than ever! I had so much more passion and energy. I fell in love with a new career and my relationships in my life got even stronger. So when people say “I would never change a thing” and “I’d do it all again” well…I understand.

So today’s episode will explore my process with getting myself out of my own rut and into a better place!



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