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A Night Wind Down Routine


Do you ever find yourself jamming your day right full right up until the last minute and then all of a sudden it’s time to go to bed?

Or maybe it’s simply that you’re too stimulated by TV or food too close to bedtime and you have trouble falling asleep.

Whatever the reason may be, today I’m going to walk you through how you can implement a night time wind down routine so you can feel good about your evenings and transition smoothly into bed until lights out.


Let me start by saying routines are powerful…

It’s pretty much the basis of this channel and my business. My life completely transformed when I looked at my 24 hours and create my system and one of the most crucial elements is my night wind down routine.


Today I’m going to break down what actually is a night wind down routine and some of the misconceptions some people have revolved around routines at night.

Next we’ll talk about the goal of a night wind down routine and some of the life domains you might want to focus on using this routine.

Finally I’ll be touching on some troubleshooting regarding consistency and how we can best implement this routine.



This episode will not be teaching how to actually track this routine. If you’re looking to better track your routines, the Ritual Design Planner might be for you.

If for some reason you can’t get to bed on time because you find yourself falling down youtube rabbit holes and doom scrolling, then you’re probably suffering from something called Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. I did an entire 5 step video you can check out here!